Thursday, September 8, 2011

The All Time Random Thoughts..

Why do people fake? When they know the real truth, why would they over react, and fake?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Fantasy!

I wonder how my life would've been like if Beethoven was still living among us!
I want fingers like those..

Monday, May 23, 2011

More Than Just A Random Thought

If you can't find your ground, you don't know where you stand.. Don't wait for some miracle to come up and make everything clear! It may, it may not.. Just Don't count on it!
Set your ground, create it, and stand on it.. Stand your ground!
The ground you establish for yourself is way better than the one you wait to be set for you..

Saturday, May 14, 2011

That One Chance

You always get it, it always comes by, you just never grabbed it!
You always believed you had it right, you're in control, you just never held on to it!
You always craved it, wanted it to happen, you just find a way to pass it by each time!
You always knew it would fix everything, all the messes, you just always wished things would be different!
Now it's come, again! And this time if you don't make the most of it, you'll end up just like each other time.. You'll kill the dignity, you'll ruin the respect if this "once-more" was not the way it should be.. For all those times you were down, for all those times you regretted, for all those times you did NOT stand up for everything you believed in, for all those times you let others take the lead.. NOW is your chance, that one chance that will fix everything, that will set it all straight.. So would you grab it this time, or just let it pass by like every other time?

Monday, April 25, 2011

He Gets Me..

Right now, I really need to be alone, in a room, with a Piano.. An old piano, a big one!
I need to play my heart out, keep playing, and never stop.. Play each and every tune in my head.. And even let my fingers just go on his black and white ones, we'll communicate.. I know he'll understand me, and in fact he'll reply back, immediately.. As I press a finger, he'll say what I'm feeling..
I won't have to speak, or try to express what's going on, and still he'll know it all.. That's why he's the only one I really feel comfortable around.. He'll take me to this other land where all my worries are gone, and all the stress dissolves.. Everything will be just perfect.. Safe..
I really need him.. Dear Piano, I love you!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Love is War

I laid down my defenses, I opened up the door, I gave you what you wanted, I couldn't give you more..
And I gave you everything, you said it's all or nothing.. To you it's just a game, a game you're never losing!

Monday, April 18, 2011

One of Those Days

Yes, you got it right from the title! You've actually had one of those, a day when you wake up looking around for that thing that gets you out of bed. Something that gets you to start the day. Despite the piles of work you have to get done, you still can't kick start your day without that thing. It may be a thing you know, but you're sure as hell it won't happen, or it just maybe something that will surprise you.. Either way, you're just waiting!
Well, I haven't had one of those days, I've had LOADS of those days and in fact, it would be fair to say that I have been waiting today.. So I decided to take some positive action and surprise myself!
And yes, I'm going to help you. What's the point of finding how to beat that without sharing anyways?! I don't want gloomy faces all around me =P
First, you have to actually believe that you're in control! Because you are, this's your life, your day, your mind so for God's sake, who's in control?!
Now that you've prepared your mind for the fact that it runs it all, it may help to give yourself a new resolution for the day.. You can say for instance that you'll do your best to NOT make any of those mistakes that get you down today, cause it's your day, and see how well will that go.
Then, you can choose at least 3 good deeds that you'll do to people who are not your friends, why? Because you'll always be good to your friends, so try the non-friend concept for a change!
There's always those certain people who's little actions ruin your moment.. I suggest you look at those in a pathetic way! That way you won't get mad, and you'll realize that they need serious help! And either way, you have no time for that, you have a world to change today!
Now for the non-mind-set activities, you can take 10 minutes to create a very cheerful playlist, tracks that get you in the mood, loud up your earphones, and take a slight break!
I can't promise you this will work, but I can at least assure that it will inspire you to do a little bit more.. But whatever you do, just remember that you're in control..
And Finally, "Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole, clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve! Achieve!"~Andrew Carnegie

Have a nice day, Not one of those! =D

Thursday, April 14, 2011


You need to break down and let loose every once in a while.. You can't remain strong forever, and if you think you are always holding up very well then you are fooling yourself..
Give yourself the break it deserves, lose control and let go.. You'll never know how few tears can be more powerful than you ever thought they would be..
And I assure you, you'll get back up soon.. Just let loose..
So little time, try to understand that I'm trying to make a move just to stay in the game, I try to stay awake and remember my name but everybody's changing, and I don't feel the same..

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cleanse Your Soul..

For a very very VERY long time, I've been wondering, what are the steps? Is it even possible? You stumble and fall, then you rise back up.. You mess things up till you're messed up, then you get back on your feet.. Than a snap happens that gets you back down.. I could go on like that forever!
So, I decided that there has to be some rules, or at least steps that could be referred to when you feel you need to stop, rewind, erase and cleanse your soul..
1- It's all about rising above those little (or big) things that make you feel you're not yourself.
2- Try for a while to wish everyone the best, no matter how much you think you hate them, or how much they hurt you, you'll just find it much easier to let the grudges go.
3- Always believe that the best is out waiting for you somewhere, and will be yours at some time.. Even when you think you cant get any happier, you can, and you will!
4- Forgive yourself, before you start forgiving others.
5- It all lies within those little head and heart of yours, you just need to believe in them more than any other.
6- You're in charge of your life, NEVER give up what makes you who you are.
7- Give, and don't expect to take.
8- Don't let yourself drown in your mistakes, instead drown them with hope!
9- Your soul does not belong to you, it belongs to God, so if you believe he can take control, lead and give you what's best for you then all your problems will be solved.
10- All the above were tested and approved! :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Random Thought

Sometimes, God takes away from us what we think we desperately need. So we lose control, go into despair, sometimes get angry and most of the times think we lost what made us complete.
When in fact, what God takes from us, is just a way of giving us.. There's always a bigger plan written for us than the one we thought was best for ourselves. Sometimes God takes away the drug you're addicted to in a painful way, cause in fact, you're not strong enough to quit it yourself! So from now on, whenever a previously-thought something precious was taken away from you, just know that it's a blessing.. And from now on too, you know where your remedy is, just ask Allah for it..

Rain Drops

Warm fluffy shower, a mug of late, piano playing loud in my headphones and the sound of raindrops outside my window.. Heaven on Earth!
I haven't blogged online in such a long time, yet all that time offline, I'm keeping the papers I wrote, I just choose not to share them.. At least not now..
The smell of the rain just takes your breath away, makes you feel like there's hope! It's refreshing.. The sight of the pouring rain, makes you feel like everything can be washed away, even your darkest mistakes, your deepest regrets, they can all be washed away.. Just like the rain takes the dust away!
And the sound of the piano, makes the rain complete.. Like nothing's missing, except for the hope you bring for yourself.. If the sun rises, and the rain pours, then you too can go fr beyond you think you were destined for..
It may be an epic thought, but you just know it, that the rain always give you the power to believe that you should never give up on yourself.. So NEVER give up on yourself, cause you're worth the fight!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

They Save Me

They save me, and they don't even know it..
They bring me back when I'm about to lose it..
They're always there, even when they're not..
They make me happy, like my life has just begun..
They remind me that there's a place for me on this planet..
At times I've almost lost hope and can't even stand it..
I don't know how would I have kept going without them..
And I know if I had another lifetime to do, I would've picked no other but each and every one of them..
They're my support system, my hope, my faith.. and the air I breathe..
And I forever will be thankful to God for giving me each gem of these..

They know who they are..=)

The Thief

Your eyes are full
Full of the future of us
The air changes as you look across
At me in that wondering way

It is as if
I knew you before we spoke
Do our hearts know something we don't?
Conspiring, converging without giving us any say

You, sing me to sleep
Talk down my walls
Look through my windows as I wait
You could be the thief
I give the key to

You're ruining me
With secrets and gestures and looks
With sonnets from second-hand books
Playing the chords in me nobody knew how to play

It fits in your hand like water in rain
It unlocks our two different selves
And shows we are the same
Rather than wait `til I put me out for the taking
You're breaking
You're breaking
You're breaking into my heart
And I'm letting you 

Brooke Fraser

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Letting Go

There's always so much we can do, Always!. We just don't know how much we can achieve, even when we try our hardest. There still is so much in our potentials that we'll never know unless we keep on trying, and doing.
What bothers me, is those small tiny things that hold us back. The ones that sometimes we think they're huge enough to stand in our way. To form obstacles that are not actually there. It could be a small thought or a somebody. Either way, whatever it is, it's completely not worth it!. Why do I say that? because whatever or whoever is really worth it, will be actually a part of what's making us move ahead, not holding you back. So, I hereby state that I have decided to let go of all those small thoughts in my mind that hold me back. Before they grow any bigger to actually stop me. And let go of all the small whispers that float around my mind, giving me words of a person I am not. I know who I am, and I'm going for it. And is it was once said, I pray to God I never lose sight of what's important.. Cause that's what I really want to be watching when my life flashes before my eyes..
Sometimes letting go makes you stronger, and I intend to be stronger..

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Full Half

Okay, so I've been in this college for 4 years and some months now, and I only have one semester left, am I going to miss it?
It might be fair to say, that during this period I've been through almost everything. The good, the bad and not to mention, the weird!
Each year, has been an experience. Falling, rising again, happy moments, sad ones.. and wonders, loads of those. I have met people along the way. Each and every person I've met has left a mark in my life, either one that has stayed with me, one I chose to let go or one that inspired me somehow. I can't deny that I have changed along the way as well. I've made loads of mistakes, tons of wrong decisions. But those were the fuel that kept me desiring more and more to search for the right and do it.
I've seen people change too -or maybe they were just like that all along and it's me who chose to see the good side in everyone- and I have to say, I admired some, others just went by like dust in the wind. But as I said, they had their impacts on me..
They made me realize what kind of person I don't want to be. They made me realize that nothing can be taken for granted. They made me appreciate more those who deserve to be appreciated. They made me realize you don't have to change yourself for anyone to accept you, you are who you are and if you're not proud of that then your life will be a living hell to you!
This college has given me a hard time, on different levels. But on the other hand, it has given me the time of my life. The friends I will hold on to for the rest of my life. The experience I gained on all aspects of life. The things I've learned and the mess-ups that I did, and that happened to me.
I can truly say that although I'm eager to get going with the new life after graduation, to go on and make the difference in the world I've always wanted to, I'm going to miss college days. I've lived a college experience worth telling, and I'm holding on to still making the best out of it. And that's the full half.. =)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


It's a new year, or is it just a new day? I love new beginnings, always. But isn't new year just over rated? I mean, it's just a counting system, like I can say new year begins at the end of March, can you sue me?! What the hell am I saying, I do love the new year spirit!
But then again, hope should never be lost, as long as we're alive and breathing, hope should always be around, that's what Allah told us to believe in, is the new year just a state to renew our hope? well, maybe it is! and that we should be grateful for.. I'm grateful!
Grateful for the fact that Allah gave me another chance with a new day to come back to him, grateful for the fact that Allah has blessed me with the life I have, even though I may face (as I naively call them) super troubles, I'm grateful that I get a chance to learn form going through those. I'm grateful for all the mistakes I make, for I know what not to do again. I'm grateful for being alive, and when I die, I will be grateful to Allah for giving me the chance to believe in him when I was alive..